Welcome to
Portfolio Website of
Nihal Morshed

Novice Web & Flutter Developer

I have worked on projects to earn knowledge & experience related Mobile Application Developement with Flutter. I really enjoy working with Flutter, it's really a powerful tool for developing mobile apps & whatnot. Now I'm curious to learn more about Web Development.I am determined to work hard & become a skillful web developer in the future.

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My Dream Job!!

Becoming a skilled Software Engineer!!

How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?
As long as it takes.

I want to work as software engineer in a reputed company where I can learn new things & can grow my career. I want to work in a company where I can work with a team & can contribute to the company's growth. It will be a proud moment for me to write a software program or modify existing software programs which can make people's life easier & more efficient than before.
Technology keeps on evolving; every other day, there is a new development in Software Engineering field. Due to this, software engineers are fortunate to learn new skills at a given point of time & one of the reasons to become a Software Engineer. Besides, I expect to get paid handsomely if I am good at my job😄!

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Flutter Developer

2021 to Present

Currently I am working as a Junior Flutter Developer in a startup company named "Niharon Technologies" founded by one of my fellow classmates. I have been working on few mobile applications here in Niharon, some of these projects are still a work in progress. At the moment, I am mostly working on the front-end part of these projects. I am using Flutter for developing the app. I am also learning how to integrate Firebase, REST API's & other technologies for storing, processing & accessing data & images.
I have worked on multiple projects & created Mobile Applications with Flutter & really enjoy working with it. It's really a powerful tool for developing mobile apps. I am a self-taught developer & still have a lot to learn. Now I'm curious to learn more about Web Development.

Web Developer

2022 to Present

I have started to learn basic components of web development like HTML, CSS, & Javascript. At the moment I'm trying to learn & create websites along the way. I am enjoying learning these new technologies & I'm looking forward to improving more with given time.